Photo Air Fresheners

Photo Air Fresheners are our best-smelling event ever!

We’re making offices, dorms and cars smell and look better one customized air freshener at a time. We create fun memories that also serve a valuable purpose. Your favorite fragrance plus your favorite photograph combined make these air fresheners something you’ll be proud to put on display anywhere you want to smell better.

We take a guests own photo that they upload to us (or take one on site) and put it on one side of a 3×4 polyester felt piece and put your event or company logo on the other side.

Everytime they get in their car, or wherever they decide to use their own photo air freshener they’ll remember your event.

Choose from over a dozen unique fragrances to get an even more personalized end result.

Photo air fresheners are most popular in a standard rectangle shape, but they’re also available in other shapes such as diamond, jersey, football helmet, round, square and heart shape. You’d choose one or two shapes per event. This gives a lot of flexibility in how you use photo air fresheners at your events. Hearts for valentines events, jerseys for sporting events, helmets for football season, round for holidays and so on.

We can make 200+ custom photo air fresheners in a 4 hour period – giving your guests memorable souvenirs of your event.

Contact us today for more information. We will get back with you ASAP. Colleges will be contacted by our college representatives at Everything But The Mime.