Human Snow Globe Photos

Get inside the HUMAN SNOW GLOBE.

Human Snow Globe from To Go Events

Take pictures inside one of our giant Human Snow Globes

Guests get INSIDE our GIANT INFLATABLE globe to take pictures (up to a dozen people at a time – more can stand around it)!

We then print the photo with a printed frame around it that has your event info on it and give one to each person in the picture.

If you want to get really “meta” we can put the picture into an actual shake up snow globe!

Colleges contact 9 time college agency of the year Everything But The Mime or call (407) 856-2412

Colleges and any others can also fill out a contact form and we’ll get you info right away.

Our Human Snow Globes are always a big hit during the holiday season and beyond.

December dates sell out quickly – so plan ahead!!!

Togo Mascot Serving

We are here to make you look great – and if you’re having a winter carnival or holiday event – we’ll do just that!



Every Human Snow Globe Event includes:

  •  2 staff members to take photos and to assist guests in and out of the globe
  • Up to 4 hours of photos
  • Customization of photo overlay and frame
  • Digital copies of photos
  • Unlimited number of photos taken/printed
  • Social media sharing via Facebook uploads

Available Options & Upgrades

  • Acrylic Frames with magnets on back AND fold-out easel for display options
  • Photos put inside a shake-up snow globe. (very meta!)
  • Additional hours
  • Red Carpet Treatment with Carpeting, Velvet Ropes and more.

What they're saying

"Everybody loved the Human Snow Globe, there was a line all night! We loved working with you guys. Thanks for all the work you put in"
"Kim and CJ were SO awesome! They made it such a wonderful event and the students had a blast. We can’t wait to have them back for photo mugs later this semester!"
Kelsey HoltTexas Tech

To Go Events LogoFun Fotos To Go is a proud part of the To Go Events family and through that site can offer a number of entertainment options beyond what we offer here.

  • space that is 10×20 or larger 10″ or taller ceiling
  • 110v power outlet
  • Indoor events incur fewer issues
  • If outdoors the user assumes all risks. High or gusty winds or rain may cause our crew to stop the event at OUR discretion if we feel it’s unsafe
  • Our blower is fairly loud and constant – please take that into consideration when picking a space.
How many photos are included?
  • As many as we can take in the time we’re there.
  • Each person in the photo gets their own print
  • Typically we can serve up to 100 people per hour (in groups)
  • Digital copies of photos can also be uploaded to our Facebook page for guests to share and get copies of.
Can we customize our prints?
  • Of course. That’s the fun of it. You can include a specific background, any overlay for event info, logos etc. We can literally do anything.
Do we have to provide helpers?
  • If you’re expecting a very large crowd then it’s helpful to have someone to manage the line.
  • We’re pretty good at it, but since we’re focused on assisting the next person in line, we can’t always manage the line too. You’ll know the needs of your event better than us. If you think you’ll need a volunteer – please arrange it in advance.
Can we do our event outdoors?
  • Yes – and No. There is an additional charge for outdoor events and we don’t recommend it as the constantly changing light and potential for wind can wreak havoc with the quality of photos.
  • Please let us know the event is outdoors before we give a price quote as events are always quoted with indoor pricing.
  • Note that all outdoor events are scheduled at the customer’s risk – so we strongly recommend that you have a back up plan.
  • To Go Events/Fun Fotos To Go will always maintain the right to refuse to set up outdoors if there is a safety issue because of weather.
  • If set up outdoors a 10×10 tent should be provided as shelter for the computer, camera, printer and other electronics that can be affected by heat, wind and moisture.
  • We’ve had great outdoor events, but we ALWAYS have great indoor events.
What kind of customizing options are available?
  • As you can see from the samples above it’s super easy to add logos and event information. Just provide it to us at least 2 weeks in advance.
  • We have a library of ready to go frames – or we can something that your group designs or we can create something special just for you.
  • We are all about customizing to make you happy.

Fill out a form to have info and pricing sent to you. Please include city/state so we can quote travel too.