Fun Fotos To Go honored at APCA Conference as “Novelty Function of the Year”

We are honored, and humbled, to have Fun Fotos To Go named as the Association for the Promotion of Campus Activities (APCA) “2019 Novelty Function of the Year”. This is a NATIONAL award, voted on by colleges and universities across the US.

It’s especially humbling since we primarily service only 1/5 of those states. Our primary focus is on Texas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Louisiana. With the occasional (1-3 times a year) trips to Kansas, Missouri, Tennessee, Iowa, Nebraska, Alabama, Mississippi, and Florida.

CJ and Kim with award

It’s a major award!!!

Thank you so very much to the schools who support and appreciate what we do. We promise to keep up the good work by providing a great quality product, presented by awesome people. We promise to be punctual, do whatever it takes to make it to your events (oh the stories we have) and to be FUN to work with.

Now it’s time for the “Thank You’s”

We simply would not exist if another company who works with our agent, Everything But The Mime, hadn’t decided that they wanted to focus more regionally (we get that!). Carol (our agent) called us in Spring of 2012 and asked if we were interested in doing green screen photos, as the other company didn’t want to spend so much time travelling to our region.

We initially said no, but agreed when we recognized that our youngest son was graduating and going to USMC boot camp soon, so we said YES. Largely to help Carol, but also to distract Kim, who had been a full-time volunteer and stay at home Mom, we were worried she’d go stir crazy – so we took a leap and said yes. What a great decision. And it all started with Carol asking us – so Carol… we wouldn’t be here without you.

Kim with her major award

Kim with her trophy

To our clients, our friends, thank you for having trust in us. We strive to get better at each and every event and I hope it shows. There’s no reason for us to be doing this without you.

To our crew: KimGusJames, Dan, May and at those very first events, Cydney – you’re the best. Not only great coworkers but FAMILY, which is why we chose the name “To Go Events Family” – it better signifies who we are.

To Eric Lambert, owner, founder, leader of APCA: thank you for your friendship and support. You’re constant “whatever you guys need” makes us feel a part of something special. Four years ago our Game Shows To Go trailer got caught by a gust of wind and flipped (and almost the truck). Thankfully, no one was injured, but it was the first gig during our busiest time of the year. When Eric heard about it he was on the phone with me asking what he could do to help. The road cases did their jobs and protected our gear and we just had to replace the trailer with only other minor damage. That phone call meant a lot to me personally, and I know that had I asked for any kind of help, Eric would have moved heaven and earth to help us. He’s that kind of a guy.