Old West Photos To Go

Wild West - Old West - Old Tyme Photos - Whatever you want to call them... they're FUN!


Old West Photos include a HUGE Selection of Costumes, Hats, Dresses, Vests, Coats and more!

Old Time Photos are a great way to create both ENTERTAINMENT and a party favor for your guests.

Guests spend a lot of time choosing just the right costume and character – it’s all a part of the fun. Then pose in front of a green screen and choose what background they want to use. From saloons to stables or old west buildings, we’ve got a variety to choose from.

Some events even create a background with wooden backdrop, barrels, wagon wheels etc. so the photo station becomes a part of the event decor.

Each person in the photo gets a print and we also upload the photos to our website and Facebook page for easy sharing – helping your event last longer than the time we’re there.

Interested in more information? CLICK HERE

College events will be contacted by our college agents at Everything But the Mime.


Togo Mascot Serving

We are here to make you look great – and if you’re having an old west theme event – we’re gonna be the hit of the event!

Every Old West Photo Event includes:

  • Racks FULL of costumes for your guests to wear.
  • Hats galore
  • Featherless Boas (we care about how we leave your event)
  • Staffs & Umbrellas
  • Your choice of green screen or printed backdrop that adds to your old west decor.
  • 1 or 2 staff members to take photos and keep the costume racks in order (you may get a lower price by providing someone to assist with this).
  • Customization of photo overlay
  • Digital copies of photos
  • Social media sharing via facebook uploads with tagging, downloading, and sharing enabled.

To Go Events LogoFun Fotos To Go is a proud part of the To Go Events family and through that site can offer a number of entertainment options beyond what we offer here.

What they're saying

Our tech needs are very simple

  • Three 6 foot banquet tables (can be provided* with notice)
  • space that is 10×20 or larger
  • 110v power outlet
  • Indoor events incur fewer issues
  • If outdoors* we must have both the costumes and the photo area covered and protected from wind, rain, and direct sunlight
  • An additional charge is required for outdoor events for costume cleaning and possibly other issues that may be caused by being outdoors.

*additional fees may apply

How many photos are included?
  • As many as we can take in the time we’re there.
  • Each person in the photo gets their own print
  • Typically we can serve up to 100 people per hour (in groups)
  • Digital copies of photos can also be uploaded to our Facebook page for guests to share and get copies of.
Can we customize our prints?
  • Of course. That’s the fun of it. You can include a specific background, any overlay for event info, logos etc. We can literally do anything.
Do we have to provide helpers?
  • It’s helpful to have a helper, but it’s not required. Having a helper will assist us in keeping costumes hung, help people with getting dressed etc. When it’s possible we travel with two people, but Old West Photos are not guaranteed to have two people at each event. So the answer is… you don’t HAVE to, but it’s nice.
  • You always have the option of hiring us with two people so there’s a “costume wrangler” available.
Can we do our event outdoors?
  • Yes. There is a small additional charge for outdoor events and we need to be under a tent or covered area.
  • Please let us know the event is outdoors before we give a price quote as events are always quoted with indoor pricing.
  • Note that all outdoor events are schedule at the customers risk – so we strongly recommend that you have a back up plan.
What kind of backdrop/background options are available?
  • We can do literally ANYTHING with green screen photography at no additional cost.
  • We also now have 8’x8′ backdrops that have a western look/feel that guests can pose in front of. This adds to the decor of an event as well.

Real time green screen photo getting made

Fill out a form to have info and pricing sent to you. Please include city/state so we can quote travel too.